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Introduction & Additional Materials

Module Topics Video Library (CVL)

  • Module 1 | Understanding Private Equity
  • The Private Equity Environment
  • Equity Repayment Model
  • How Private Equity Adds Value
  • How Private Equity Firms Make Money
  • How Private Equity Firms are Measured
  • How Leveraged Buyouts are Structured
  • The Financing Structure
  • Characteristics of PE Financing Instruments
  • Debt vs Equity
  • Senior vs Junior Debt
  • Senior Debt
  • Junior Debt
  • Covenants
  • Management Equity
  • Private Equity Partnership
  • Module 2 | Value Creation Methodologies
  • Evolution of Value Creation
  • The Three Sources of Value Creation
  • Reducing Net Debt
  • Multiple Expansion
  • Sales Growth Strategies
  • Entering International Markets
  • Developing an EBITDA Mindset
  • Operational Enhancement
  • Pricing Strategies
  • Technological and Digital Transformations
  • Module 3 | Exit Preparation & Execution
  • Introduction to Exits
  • Exit Options
  • Preparing for an Exit
  • Drivers & Detractors of Value
  • The Exit Process
  • Post Deal
  • Internal Factors Affecting Timing
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed